Rabu, 16 November 2011

Samsung Galaxy 8.9 LTE Is Ready Via AT&T in US Market 20 November 2011

The need of speed for faster bandwidth need faster gadget too. Samsung is ready to fulfill the user need of faster gadget to be ready with new 4G LTE network. Many more will adopt this 10 times faster network than 3G. 

With the new series of Samsung Galaxy, Galaxy Tab 8.9 LTE, more user could enjoy the faster 4G LTE network with wide screen tablet pc. Referring news on the internet, this gadget will be ready in US market on November 20 via AT&T operator with 2 years contract at 479.99 USD.

The Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 LTE is probably the premium version of Galaxy Tab 8.9.  In addition the same features with Galaxy Tab 8.9, it is also embedded  with 4G LTE feature and equipped with little bit faster processor,  1,5 Ghz dual core to empower the Android 3.2 OS Honey comb.

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