Sabtu, 19 November 2011

Phillips Fidelio Android Music Dock, Bluetooth and Power Reacharging ready

As the android smartphone and tablet pc is on the top of gadget market today, Phillips does not want to miss the opportunity to reach the market also. With the years of experience in music accessories manufacture, Phillips is the great choice of technology for Smartphone and tablet pc user. 
We can tell that Android  operating system is used in the most of the Smartphones and Tablet pc available in the market today. So Phillips is realize that it is time to bring  their special product to the market of android gadget system. 
As one of their special product is music dock for Smartphone. This music dock has 3 series of product. Fidelio  AS851, AS351 and AS111.  This music dock is capable to play music via bluetooth connection and  battery recharging. So the user will  be feel little more comfort as their smartphone will not getting the battery out of power. To operate  this music dock, Phllips is bringing their free software too. 

This Android music dock has more beautiful eye catching design than the iPod dock.  Beside that the choices of this dock series could give you more suitable places to put on, whether it is bed room, office, family room etc. 
This Android music dock is only available in UK market for now as AS851 series  is sold at £200 which has greatest sound 3 Watt sound. And for  AS351,  AS111 the price are  £200 and £70.

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